These past few weeks I have let my blog down. My energy was needed elswhere but I thought of blogging very often. As usual I would come up with great ideas and fantastic words to describe what's going on with me and now I am blogging at work rushed and wordless.
We have been busy at home. We've all been sick and getting cabin fever from the cold weather keeping us inside.
It was wonderful to finally get out in warmer weather to let the sun warm our skin and think about something other than fighting illness or doing chores.
The girls are blossoming more every day and I am getting better at being a mommy of two. This is good news since I will be a stay-at-home mom soon. Tommy's job is going to require more flexibility than ever before and I will be a professional mom. I can't wait.
These pictures show what we've been up to and what's kept us sane through the past weeks and it shows that the lovely girls are growing like weeds.
We bathe to soothe our sickness and achy bodies, we've been coaxing Tori to crawl, we've enjoyed a late winter snow and an early spring heat wave.
It's been interesting to say the least.