Ok, so I never really started that other blog and I truly think I should be able to unload anywhere I want to. This is my place of expression and if you don't like it don't look at it.
So, here it is.
Someone in my family is sick with a terrible and highly stigmatized disease and it disturbs me because I am powerless and one day it will take her life.
Another person in my family has trouble seeing through all the BS he/she tells itself and abuses some disgusting crap, and that disturbs me.
I may have a tiny bit of an anger issue about certain things and I personally need to get a handle on it, and that disturbs me.
I had nightmares just about every night last week.
Disturbed, I'm telling you.
I am at home with the girls most of my day. We do things together and get out in the fresh air to play and chat. But my issues/ disturbances are always hanging over my head like a raincloud reading to rumble with thunder and drench me with pouring rain.
I could cry at any given moment.
I know that my home life is storybook these days and that I deserve to have all the joy in the world knowing I have this, but why can't I let some things go?
How do people with these issues let out anger and disgust?
I try to live a healthy life and I just don't feel like I am totally healthy emotionally right now.
Recently I read that the last thing a guy/ husband wants in his relationship is a woman with emotional problems.
WHOA! My husband seems like he's one of those types. He is pretty stable emotionally with dips here and there, and he expects me to be the same. I wish I could live up to that.
To keep this short, (ha!) I wish I had a place to channel the negative energy that I get when learning facts about the aforementioned and wrote more often and better. I need to write.
I e-mailed Sweet/Salty Kate and got some advice from her.
She said I should just dump out about 5 stories from my life that evoked emotion and let it hurt but heal. She said to form the rough stories into a piece and put together a generally interesting article.
I've talked before about writing an article for a magazine and having it published in hopes of possibly having a published book one day.
I would then need to interject some medical facts from scholarly article to back up some claims and information I've learned and dealt with throughout the years.
I need motivation, courage and skill.
I also need materials, time and a willing magazine/ publisher.
I need to be heard.
I feel like my voice is lost. It's not necessarily lost in those closest to me but it's not meaningful either.
I probably just need therapy, but this way I might help someone too.