Tuesday, September 2, 2008

First day back

Wake up early, nurse the baby, throw on clothes and tie my hair in a knot because it's off to work I go. I am officially back at it. Change is the only thing constant around here lately. As soon as I get used to one schedule it up and changes. My job is not glamorous but it's has its rewards. I get to be with adults, keep my brain connections on their toes and worry about stuff other than how much dust my house collected today. It's freeing having a job, driving alone and eating a lunch sitting down. I've been trying to get my body ready for it's job too. Since I have a tendency to be a stress ball, I went ahead and started lifting weights to get my muscles back in shape so my neck and back don't kill me. The baby weight is starting to melt away too and that makes me feel very good. So good, I'm looking forward to getting back in my old clothes and possibly looking forward to shopping again.
But now it's time to plan for Bella's first day of school tomorrow. I'm getting her book bag ready tonight. It doesn't have books but they do require the kids to bring a bag full of stuff for emergencies and lunch. Her classroom is so cute and the teacher seemed really good at her job. I am excited for Bella. She is ready. She loves learning and I am no teacher, though I have thought about becoming one for a while now. We do so much with her but she is too smart for us to be the only people forming her knowledge. Oh, my little baby is growing up TOO FAST!!!
We are so lucky.
Tori couldn't be a better baby so far. She sleeps great at night with occasional wakings. She falls asleep easily and hasn't cried for more than 10 minutes ever. She too is getting huge and studies us, her hands and her surroundings drinking in every experience with beautiful curiosity. Whew. My cup runneth over... again.
Here's to the upcoming fall and and my new schedule with my TWO kids. It still sounds strange to me, but wonderful.

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