Thursday, April 23, 2009

Fair to say

There are some things that you cannot say to people when you are a parent. You may only expose your deepest feeling to those you trust most and know you the best. The fears, weaknesses and insecurities of parenthood are common but rarely talked about. I would be lying if I said I am not stunned that my day-to-day job is to simply be the best mother I can be. I am apprehensive and the reality has still not yet set in.
In the past week there's been blood, bruises and tears- most of which were mine.
I cried like a baby before my last day of work. They were tears of joy, as well as, tears of sadness that I was leaving the job where I was able to see my parents every day.
Tuesday, Bella bled because of a stupid decision I made to put a paver on her playground.
Yesterday, I fell off a step and bruised my knees while trying to throw the cat out after he clawed at the groceries I brought inside the house.
Tori has eaten everything in sight. She teething so much that she chews on furniture. I've had to fish leaves and paper out of her mouth several times.
So far, I'm not so confident at my new day job. I'm a little... well... sore.
Bella consoled me last week while crying before my last day. She said, "It's going to be okay. They'll miss you too."
Bella was also concerned about me when I hit the floor with both my knees and hurt so bad that I couldn't speak. She said, "I hope you feel better soon, Mommy. I love you."
Precious girls.
I hope I can handle this.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Just call me Sahm

It's my first day on my new job as a stay-at-home mom. It's, quite possibly, the best job I will ever have. We've been playing with play-doh, rolling in the grass, hunting for "calapidders", eating celebratory Dunkin Donuts doughnuts and taking some pictures to commemorate the day. I would post them here but I don't have a ton of time since the girls are waiting on me to go play.
Gotta go.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

mommy mania

My mind is racing with thoughts of how I will begin my journey as a stay-at-home mom. My brain tells me that it will be the same as Saturdays and Sundays, just extended. But my heart says I should come up with something better than that or these kids will think I am the worst mom ever.
Tonight, I did the usual. Feed the girls and the cats. Wash the girls, the cats, the dishes, the floors, the bathrooms....
It's crazy how much work I squeeze into one evening. That has to bore my kids to death.
I need an how-to book.
My journey as a stay-at-home mom must start with research. Amazon, here I come.
BTW, two days to go.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Car seats and bathtubs are excellent for holding the tiny beauties when you want to take their picture. However, the car seat pictures rarely turn out cute for us. Oh well, here are some cute bath pics including 2 golden oldies. :)

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

life change commentary

Commentary: Don't confuse money with happiness
By Peter Bregman
(an excerpt)

"And when we wake up in the morning we are left with the question, "Now what?"

It's actually a great question, because in a situation in which we've lost control, it gives us a little back. "Now what?" means we have a choice, in this moment, to do something. What's it going to be?

I think it's a mistake to try to rebuild what we've lost. We have less now and I think we can do better with less. Having less forces choices. And consciously making those choices can bring us closer to the things we care about. Which can make a poorer life richer than a rich one."

My life is about to change. Tommy's job is giving me the opportunity to stay home with the girls in just ten days. We will cut back on things to make it work. I would never call us poor, I just appreciate this writer and his article on about a subject that many people are learning.
Does our money define us, and how much does it really give us?
I am more than happy to find a way to cut corners to be with my girls. Happy day!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Hilarious Bella comment

Bella: Mommy!!...a biiiiig bunny is going to come to our house to drop off some candy!!
Mommy: I know it. Isn't that somethin'?

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Swollen eyes and runny noses are back. We literally had a 3 day break from sickness before it returned for (hopefully) one last hurrah before the warm weather(hopefully) relieves us of cold season.
We are all trying to be perky and fun. I try to keep the girls occupied with creative games and good moods, but this is a true challenge when we are constantly battling aches and colds. I would blame the pre-school for every single illness that has ravaged us this winter, but I can't. I actually contracted strep throat while no one else in my family had it or caught it from me. Weird.
I do remember being sick a lot last winter when Bella wasn't in school so there is something else at work here. I must sanitize EVERYTHING!

These days many Americans are trying to enjoy themselves without spending money and without plopping in front of the TV 24/7, and we are no different. It's not an easy time for anyone as 1 out of 10 people in NC are out of work. In a way I am thankful for this hard time. I believe hard times create character, promote family bonding, and ignite my creativity.