We are s glad that the warm weather is slowly making it's way back. It's been nearly a year since I began staying home and I must admit that the warm months make this job divine. I get inspired when the sun gleams and grass grows around us. I want to travel, clean clutter and make plans. Winter simply doesn't do it for me. I need pastels and day trips and flip flops to be able to feel glee.
The girls are growing so fast. This time last year Tori still needed me to hold her fingers while she walked. When I think of how my back (not my heart) wished that away I could cry.
Bella was into building tents and playing under bedsheets. She still plays but her imagination has soared to new heights. She's in her head with games and toys and it's funny to listen and remarkable to see.
Now, Tori is talking. Her first word was "Bella" in Januaryish of 09. Now she can communicate in one word spurts when she sees something, wants something or Bella has done something. That chapter seems to be just beginning. Bella is Tori's true love and when Bella's gone Tori looks for he and calls her name. Bella sometimes does the same when Tori is taking a nap or away visiting Grandma.
There is so much to do with them now that Tori's old enough to go out and enjoy more. We go to the parks, parades, libraries (though they've closed a lot of them in our area), and shopping.
I still can't shop for myself with them around. We can grocery shop, but there is no way to keep them entertained or obedient while I check out a clothing sale.
The pain in my arms has all but gone away. Tori is so heavy now that she gets uncomfortable when she's held too long. She loves to snuggle sometimes and that is sweet, but she's a chunky monkey right now. She is assertive with what she wants too. She has found her voice and uses it quite a bit. She can scream over Bella to get what she needs first. It's almost totally impossible to make her do something she doesn't want to do which has brought discipline to a new level for her. She goes to time out on demand but thinks it's a game. She cries, screams, slaps and kicks during a tantrum or just spontaneously t get a reaction. She's a hoot, as my grandmother would say.
Life's really good right now. We are enjoying the season and loving the girls.
It's very special, and I can't say enough about it.
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