Thursday, May 29, 2008
Let the countdown begin!
I don't necessarily want to rush through these last weeks. It's just that they are very hard to deal with when you are a fidgety, antsy person who is used to doing everything she pleases.
I think about this baby. I wonder what she is going to look like. How much hair she will have at birth and if she will be perfect as Bella was?
I so look forward to those tender moments shared while nursing a baby. I want to ward away the discomforts that plagued me last time, like the mastitis, the episiotomy and the muscle weakness.
I have been more relaxed this week. Tommy has given me chances to rest in between nesting and caring for Bella that have settled my tension and eased my arm pain. Praise Tommy! I needed that and the truth is we will both need to continue that pampering of each other when possible after the baby.
We are taking a trip to Florida to visit family and take a break. The break is for us both before the storm.
I pray all turns out the way we plan and that the break will be as enjoyable as we both deserve.
I'll also be wearing my first maternity bathing suit and that's laughable to me, but I'm looking forward to it.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Memorial Day fun

Nonetheless, it was pure family fun and Bella was adorable the whole time. I'm so proud of her.
The first thing we did once we got there was ride the big train around the mountain and watch the cowboys and Indians pretend to fight. The gunfire made Bella very nervous and at one point she looked at me, eyes full of tears and whimpered "Let's... go... home," it was pitiful. But, the rest of the trip she relished every opportunity to play and have fun with her daddy and her friends that came along.
Paci update:
Bella still asks for her paci stub but it is of no use to her. She's stopped crying at night when we put her to bed and she seems very secure about the whole thing. The stub will have to go.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Bye Bye Paci!!

Friday, May 16, 2008
34 weeks gone...
As far as my pregnant body goes; I gained less weight than I did last pregnancy so far, I can safely say this time I was much more sick and sore yet more apt to want to enjoy it rather than wish it away.
This pregnancy is flying by, having a 2-year-old during a pregnancy takes my mind off the daily waiting to see progress and helps me remember to stop every now and then and feel, bond and recognize what I'm doing.
Tomorrow we're having a yard sale to rid the corners of our house of clutter. This will lead to the baby's room being cleared and ready for the crib and other furnishings that are on the way.
It's all very surreal at this point. I don't know what to expect so I expect the worst, naturally. I get nervous but then I really try to enjoy the way things are right now and say to myself, 6 weeks = 42 days and I have to take them one at a time.
Dang, 42 days! That's not long at ALL.
ATHENS, Greece (AP) -- A nine-year-old girl who went to hospital suffering from stomach pains was found to be carrying her embryonic twin, doctors in central Greece said Thursday.
Doctors at Larissa General Hospital examined the girl and surgically removed a growth they later discovered was an embryo about six centimeters (more than two inches) long.
"They could see on the right side that her belly was swollen, but they couldn't suspect that this tumor would hide an embryo," hospital director Iakovos Brouskelis said.
The girl has made a full recovery, he said.
Andreas Markou, head of the hospital's pediatric department, said the embryo was a formed fetus with a head, hair and eyes, but no brain or umbilical cord.
Markou said cases where one of a set of twins absorbs the other in the womb occur in one of 500,000 live births.
The girl's family did not want to be identified, hospital officials said.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Reporting to my job every morning is painful. My arm pain that was diagnosed as TMS is back. I don't know why, but it came back right when my mother said she was going to Hawaii.
I certainly didn't improvise being nice about that but somehow my body reacted. This may not be TMS.
This may be hormonal. My tendons are drunk with relaxin and have the right to be sensitive at this point. But, why when I sleep?
My morning:
Wake in pain throughout the wee hours before dawn.
Eventually look at clock if arm will support body without me crying in pain.
Tear off Velcro on carpel tunnel splints that I have to wear because my damn fingers hurt.
Place feet on the floor and rise to standing position cursing the Lord for giving me this pain AGAIN to handle without medication.
Find toilet.
Think to self when will this go away? I can't go through this with a new baby. Why did it chose me?
Get showered and dressed without hurting right arm more. Left arm seems to move with pain too.
Brush teeth. Think to self am I going to have to brush with my left hand...that's not possible.
Fix hair.
Stretch...and think, let's go little arm I don't have the patience for this.
It's either work through the pain or lay back down and cry about it.
The day continues and I continue to improvise... directing myself: "be the happy go lucky worker, mother and woman who feels no pain."
Throughout the day the arm pain will come and go as though it's warmed up and the muscles or tendons are feeling better.
But, I know that in the morning it will be there again and soon I am going to crack and really get fed up. I feel myself very close to that now.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Thursday, May 8, 2008
2 posts in one day...Wow!

And, a rare picture, our newly added bedroom. I say rare because how often do people take pics of where they sleep and post them on a blog? I'd say, not very many... on a G rated blog. The wall on the top right are where a rocking recliner and pack and play will soon reside. The future resting spot of Victoria.

A precious moment trying to foof off the dandelion seeds.
Come on Thomasina, it's back to the rest home. Ha!
I admit the 3 pics above are from Easter. It's never too late, right?
Happy Early Mother's Day

Julie Racano, this is your life. You are 33 weeks pregnant and you have a 2-year-old. What the heck are you going to do now?
Love it!
I feel like a special member of a society on Mother's day. I think of all the handmade gifts and cards I used to make my mom and I so look forward to getting those from my girls. I don't always recognize that the day is also for me, a mother. I feel stressed because it's a week packed full of hubub.
Mother's Day gets drowned out with driving and buying and rushing and mailing. Really, all it is is an attempt at making people stop and realize that thier mother deserves a moment of respect and attention for the triumph of motherhood.
I have a lot of mothers to attend to. Not all are my mother, of course. But, they are all very special.
Grandmother Chris
Grandma Racano
Tommy's mom
Happy Early Mother's day to all of you!
Friday, May 2, 2008
Here are some positives that I came up with:
**The addition and it's clean-up are ALMOST done. Slowly, but surely , we are getting things back together and the addition is breathtaking.
**The sunny weather is allowing our lawn and "garden" to grow in and looks pretty normal.
**Work is not too terribly stressful this week. I'm able to let myself work at a pace that normally wouldn't be acceptable.
**My time spent in the office chair is more enjoyable than time spent up and walking, this is normally reverse. I am really getting huge and the bones in my feet sometimes feel as though they might puncture the skin on the bottom of my foot when I walk too much.
**Bella is talking more and more. She loves on me and tells me she likes me and that I am her friend. Awww, what a girl!
**My Mom being gone made me realize that she and Bella may have needed a break from each other. My Mom is awesome with her. She doesn't drive and no one usually comes over so they are pretty much in the same place all day, every day, until we pick her up.
**The baby in my belly is strong and perfect in size. She tries to put her foot through the side of my uterus sometimes and even though it hurts mildly, I enjoy it. I just can't wait to bond with her too.
**My husband has been put through some of my hormonal rages lately and he survived. That's a positive, right? My rages are short usually or long bouts of crying. It's pretty unnerving even to me, but it is what it is.
**Tommy makes me feel safe and good. I still would have been a lost soul with even more anger issues if not for him.
There are positives everywhere and I need to soak them in. This is the EASY part of being a Mom, that I know.
With luck and positive thoughts, things will be more fun and enjoyable.
I just found my new motto... if I can remember it.