I have braved the battle and made my second attempt at helping Bella give up the pacifier.
She is such a big, smart girl and she's too old for it. The new baby will probably use one and I know that may be an issue, but I think when she sees that little babies need them and big girls don't, she'll understand.
I cut the round part off her paci.
She didn't see me do it, I handed it to her as usual and she knew this was different.
She pretended it was fine with her for a while and then when it was time to sleep...she flipped out.
It broke our hearts.
She threw it across the room a few times and I went in very calmly and picked it up. After a while she stopped asking for her 'pink' paci, the one she knew had a whole sucking end.
I never gave in and Tommy helped me stick to it.
We shall see what tonight brings. But, her life should be smooth sailing until the baby is born and I figure that's enough time to spring this new habit on her.
Yes, she still has half a paci. I do want her to give that up too. I know soon she will be willing to trade that stump of a paci for a shiny new snugly toy.
I am ready... I think.
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