Happy Anniversary to us!
Today is our 3rd anniversary. In that short amount of time we have really done a lot. We've actually been together 6+ years so when we got married we were eager to begin our family.
Soon the 2 that were married 3 years ago will be a family of 4. Bella has brought us more happiness and love of life than anything in the world so, this baby will definitely be the icing on the cake. She will complete our family and we can continue to show both girls the joys of life and do the things we've dreamed of doing as a family.
The best part of being married is the friend you have right beside you through and through. Tommy and I figured out early on that married life will be very sweet as long as love comes out in the words we speak to one another and understanding never leaves the room.
The friendship is deep and makes me feel secure and I miss him when he's not with me.
Getting married 3 years ago, I had no clue what kind of wife I would be or what it took to make this work. But, now it's my pleasure to find more ways to show Tommy how happy I am . I enjoy being his and his wife. I need to know that we are doing the right things to make this marriage work.
As far as I'm concerned we've done it.
Yay us!
I love you Babe.
Have a great day... I'll see you at dinner.
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