Monday, November 17, 2008

How do I spell silly? BELLA

What does a backpack, a Cinderella dress, a wooden spoon, a spatula, a plastic carrot, a baby doll and a ribbon all have in common? They are all things that Bella insisted take a nap with her today. She wore the Cinderella dress accented with tiger slippers. The use for the backpack was unclear, but the ribbon wraps around the baby doll so Bella can dangle her from her crib and pretend that she if fishing. She rarely takes a nap for me anymore so I don't dispute the toys in bed. She plays nicely for a couple of hours and sometimes she falls asleep after playing. The fight to keep the toys out of the bed, I'm afraid, would be so disruptive so I accept it and put her in her tiny bed with 8 other objects.
I'm getting in the holiday spirit early this year. I love Thanksgiving. It's my favorite holiday because there is no big excuse to spends tons of money. It's more relaxing too. However, this year Bella will really enjoy Christmas and Santa and the gifts. She didn't sit on Santa's lap last year because we chose to have a family photo made instead. So this year we'll see if she flips out or not. She'll love the parades on TV and the tree more than ever. I also relish in the fact that now we have two and they have so many Christmas Eve's to stay up together and giggle from the giddiness that Christmas Eve brings. I always wanted that for myself and to watch them and see it through a child's eyes again brings back the magic.

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