Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Lord knows I tried to stop it, but some events just prove we are not in charge.
My trip to Kinston was swift and safe, my trip from Kinston didn't go as well. I wrote about my car being checked to make sure it was good for a long trip. It wasn't. It had to stay at the doctor so I took tommy's car which is newer and seemingly less risky to drive the distance. I packed it with everything but the kitchen sink, picked up my mother and began our journey.

On the way home I needed coffee. I pulled into a Target to hit up the Starbucks and got right back on the road. Some road. I thought it was the one we drove in on. Not so. It led straight to the Air Force Base in Goldsboro.
The MP officer helped me navigate back to a highway, also not the highway I came in on, and get back on track. I am usually not bad with direction or navigation. This was an exception.
I hopped on I-40 around sunset and started moving toward I-85 with home in my daydreams when all of a sudden DLOP! DLOP! DLOP! DLOP! DLOP! We got a flat tire!

My outsides started to stiffen with fear.
I pulled over to the wrong side of the road and was promptly instructed to move to the right by my unusually cool mother.
We called the highway patrol and AAA.
The highway patrolman CHANGED MY TIRE!
AAA didn't show up.
Wow. What a helper.
We stayed overnight in Cary and had all the tires changed since the spare was a donut tire.
The flat tire had a puncture wound. It could not have been avoided. It would have happened to my car if I have driven it.
It was an adventure, to say the least.
I wonder what He was keeping me from.

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