I am back and hoping to be inspired to write more often. I blog in my head about this and that and rarely make it to the computer or even a notebook in time to purge the thoughts.
I did, however, leave myself a voice message about this post.
It's one of the parts of having a baby that will make or break you.
To ferberize you must have a sanctuary for yourself so when the screaming turns you inside out you don't lose your shit on anyone.
Ferberizing is getting a baby to learn to soothe itself to sleep without excessive rocking, snuggling or feeding.
It's loud.
Tori is almost 7 months old and she s getting pretty clingy. I love this most of the time but I have only 2 arms and it's time to get started the Dr. Ferber way.
I am all talk though. I pick her up and carry her around and only let her get to the grumbling stages of crying, but at night, she drives me nuts and with that cute little laugh and smile. When I finally get up to remedy the situation she gets whatever she wants.
It's tough love that she needs and I need to be tougher.
1 comment:
Whew...good luck, girl!
I love that picture, by the way. It portrays so well the small moments of parenthood that are magical.
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