It's been quite a while since my last post and it seems like a hundred things have happened. We celebrated Halloween with some great neighbors. Bella was Belle and Tori was a pink poodle... who refused to wear the hat part that looked like a poodle. Basically, she looked like a pink ball of fluff.
Mom has had her share of ups and downs with meds and situations that may make her move again.
My cousin Nick passed away and that sent shockwaves through the family as he was only 28 years old.
Momaw is in the hospital with heart problems and we are all praying for her safe return home without any incident. She needs to have multiple procedures and she's scared.
I would be too.
Tori is blossoming beautifully and growing like a weed.
Here are some Tori-isms:
"huppa" this means she wants what's on top of the fridge- pretzels, crispix etc..., or that she wants you to pick her up or get on the bed.
"soos" she has a passion for shoes
"baby" no need to explain
"pizza" she loves pizza
"milk" also loves milk
She's also learned to shake that little head no if she wants to, do the "If you're happy and you know it" dance and play lots of peek-a-boo.
It's been truly wonderful being home this Fall. We made leaf banners in wax paper. Took a "nature walk" down the street and took a lot of cute pics!!
Bella was dancer of the week last week, sooooo cute to have a sign that said that in our yard all week.
Unfortunately the girls have caught 5 or six colds since August which caused 2 ear infections and a sinus infection. It really is pitiful all the mucus that swells their faces and causes pain. Pre-school has a drawback- the germ pool.
There's been just about every emotion imaginable going through our hearts.
Thanksgiving was different too. Not because of food or travel or anything like that, but knowing my aunt will never have her first born home for another holiday is painful. Sisters are missing the big brother and his friends are plain dumbfounded.
I couldn't imagine. All my love of family is amplified since his passing, and the awareness of how fragile life is resounds.
I'm looking forward to the Christmas spirit filling our home and the girls.
We need spirit now that the cold weather will be keeping us inside more.
It's time to get creative!