Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Ho, Ho, Hack
I need some eggnog and gingerbread cookies to kick me out of this funk!!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
The stars are stacked...
I'm a Virgo.
Not only do I expect everything to go smoothly but if it doesn't I will fixate on it until the original problem can never occur again...most of the time. I'm on the cusp.
Anyway, I like Ellen Whitehurst because I think there is functionality to her advise. I even bought her book Make this your lucky day.
Here is the link for the advise for Virgos this month:
It's incredibly specific.
The negative day so far was right on, but the advice is nearly impossible to follow.
"Try all best to remain calm cool and collected...especially when you feel like your back is against the wall and every button you have has been repeatedly pushed."
The reason why one should act this way in these trying times and always really comes later in the astrological reading she describes the month end will be so positive that that choirs of angels will be jealous of the beautiful music your life is making.
How could this be?
Aren't I supposed to fight when my back is up against the wall or do I just take my lickings from the universe?
Thursday, December 4, 2008
The Nutcracking Christmas
Tommy is very educated, I also have a college degree. Yet the floor may be falling out from under us as every day passes. We've never been afraid of work, Tommy's been working since he can remember, but now since the economy has gone to pot, the penny pinchery begins.
Before this year you would have called us frugal at times. We shy away from extravagance for sensible reasons, we just don't take many chances. This year though, nobody can.
I seem to have a string of bad luck that follows me around. I'm not sure why.
I bought an SUV the day after hurricane Katrina. $$$
The business Tommy and his family began flipped a house and put it on the market the week of the financial crash, it's still for sale.$$$
Our checkbook hemorrhages the season we enroll Bella in a tuition paid preschool, which she loves.$$
We have a baby and the price of formula is RIDICULOUS.$
Tommy had a small car accident.$$
I am on a "whenever you can" work schedule because of Tommy's commitments and my mother goes back and forth with illness.$$
And the biggest one of all, Christmas is coming.$$$$
That last one is a stretch since the bills are still due during Christmas, I should change it to $$. Either way, it's a lot, it's stressful and I've said this before, I'm no rock.
I just can't seem to find my Christmas spirit. I can't even get motivated to get rid of my pumpkins.
Monday, December 1, 2008
And she's off
Tori can do a lot more these days. She eats from a spoon, sleeps all night and I think she's even teething.
Bella's being such a great sister lately. She loves to involve Tori in her games and Tori enjoys it so much that she looks past some of the toy whippings from Bella.
I'm learning how sisters "love" one another.
Friday, November 21, 2008
I just want to scream
Not a weekend, because honestly there is no end to my week, it's just time working somewhere else.
I need to breathe and relax and let go. I need time for myself, time to relieve the tension built up around and inside of me. I need time to let my kids miss me and let me miss them. The more time I spend doing things that rack my nerves, the more sensitive and irritable I become.
I become whiny, light headed, air headed and ticked off. I lose myself.
When the fun is drained from the everyday tasks the child in me comes out with a vengeance. It desires attention and love and coddling.
Even though we grow up we are still the child that our parents raised. That child just gains more experience and communication skills but sometimes the child forgets all those skills and screams out in anger and frustration. The child in me is out today and she is not very friendly.
Monday, November 17, 2008
How do I spell silly? BELLA
I'm getting in the holiday spirit early this year. I love Thanksgiving. It's my favorite holiday because there is no big excuse to spends tons of money. It's more relaxing too. However, this year Bella will really enjoy Christmas and Santa and the gifts. She didn't sit on Santa's lap last year because we chose to have a family photo made instead. So this year we'll see if she flips out or not. She'll love the parades on TV and the tree more than ever. I also relish in the fact that now we have two and they have so many Christmas Eve's to stay up together and giggle from the giddiness that Christmas Eve brings. I always wanted that for myself and to watch them and see it through a child's eyes again brings back the magic.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Down comes the rain
The news first came when I was 16. It was around Christmas.
That Christmas she spent in the hospital, too sick for her home. I didn't stay long and I didn't dwell for I knew she would bounce back. The dwelling came out slowly over the years to come of watching her yo-yo lifestyle bounce her around. She never once admitted defeat or wrong. She just fought harder.
The fight in her is fading. The biology of it all will defeat her. She is human. Today she will have a normal day and we won't know about tomorrow until it comes. I will console her as best I can and let Him handle it for us.
My faith is strong, unlike when I was 16. I believe that He is there for us. He will be there until end.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
You can take the girl out of the country...
She was staring out the window of their SUV
Complaning, saying "I can't wait to turn 18"
She said "I'll make my own money, and I'll make my own rules"
Mamma put the car in park out there in front of the school
Then she kissed her head and said "I was just like you"
You're gonna miss this
You're gonna want this back
You're gonna wish these days hadn't gone by so fast
These are some good times
So take a good look around
You may not know it now
But you're gonna miss this
Before she knows it she's a brand new bride
In a one-bedroom apartment, and her daddy stops by
He tells her "It's a nice place"
She says "It'll do for now"
Starts talking about babies and buying a house
Daddy shakes his head and says "Baby, just slow down"
Cause you're gonna miss this
You're gonna want this back
You're gonna wish these days hadn't gone by so fast
These are some good times
So take a good look around
You may not know it now
But you're gonna miss this
Five years later there's a plumber workin' on the water heater
Dog's barkin', phone's ringin'
One kid's cryin', one kid's screamin'
And she keeps apologizin'
He says "They don't bother me.
I've got 2 babies of my own.
One's 36, one's 23.
Huh, it's hard to believe, but...
You're gonna miss this
You're gonna want this back
You're gonna wish these days hadn't gone by so fast
These are some good times
So take a good look around
You may not know it now
But you're gonna miss this"
And I lost it.
There are so many country songs that I love and now I have a new one.
Today, some news came. News I knew I wold hear and I knew I would never be prepared for. But all I can think of is how I already miss this.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Monday, November 10, 2008
No focus
Bella was Minnie Mouse and Tori was asleep in the stroller for Halloween. We went trick-or-treating in our neighborhood and found out that we had to walk quite a distance just to hit up a few houses for candy for our two-year-old, which I really don't even want her to eat. It was very fun and worth it for the memory and the exercise.
I miss reading and the time to myself so, at the library last week I borrowed The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks. What an awesome story, I truly loved listening to it and I will definitely be borrowing more audio books in the future. I am not a romantic but that story warmed my heart and I can't wait to get lost in another book soon.
My big girl, Bella, is testing me more lately. She gets so jealous when we hold Tori. She will refuse to speak to us and she whines and pitches more fits than ever. I look at old pictures and remember her as a one-year-old and think about how perfect she was. She NEVER acted out when she was the only child. She was sweet and loving and now she is changing and I could just mourn the loss of her babyhood. I will never forget how my first child and I bonded and how sweet and affectionate she used to be. I hope that comes back and SOON.
I love her so much.
Tori is testing us too. She wakes every morning at 4:30. She depends on us to replace the paci or feed her, even though she's not that hungry.
She has learned that if she cries Mommy or Daddy will come. It's taking its toll on me and I am realizing that we need to get tough and fast. Tough I am not. I will have to pretend.
The holidays are creeping up and more milestones are on their way. My grandmother used to ask me to stop growing up. I promised her I wouldn't get "big." I find myself asking that of my girls. I just want to freeze time some days and just live the same day over and over.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Election Day has arrived...
I feel so good about my decision.
Monday, November 3, 2008
The baby and the big girl
I can't believe this time last year I was headed for nausea and growing pains. I had to wait out the months, weeks, days, and finally the hours to meet the beauty who now holds my heart in the palm of her slobbery little hand.
She makes me beam with pride.
I could post a daily bulletin about how she's changing and making us watch her so closely and admire every last second of her baby-hood. It's a gift, a treasure and I will never get over how fast it goes by.
Today I got out the high chair. She will start eating rice cereal today. I am taken back to Bella's first cereal bites and those faces she made we caught on camera. She was so small. But, now that Tori is 4 months, she seems HUGE and advanced and different. Because Bella was my first, I didn't know she was getting so big, I had no frame of reference.
These days Bella is an animal. The type of animal that you need strategy and training to handle. The strategy must first be coy and attention to her must never cease or there could be blood. She's very attune to the weaknesses in us. She plays us like a fiddle and she's not above pitting one of us against the other. She has us breaking out the parenting books and having strategy meetings behind her back. The trouble is she's always going to be our first child and the "guinea pig" of our rearing education. She sometimes presents challenges and embarrassing moments proving that we need to keep up with the task at hand called parenting with love.
I love this job of the matriarch and the nurturer. I have moments of tears and despair. But, I love the fact that I am needed and no matter what EVER happens I love my girls!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
My breast friend
I am making the decision selfishly for me. The hormones are killing me, I'm not losing enough weight and when I drink milk or caffeine the baby has a reaction. She sleeps so well at night that my milk was drying up from not pumping, work can be crazy and not conducive to pump breaks plus my neck is all kinds of messed up from the nursing and pumping position that the pain is constant. I will miss the closeness and bonding it brings, but I know there are more ways to bond with my gorgeous baby. I hope she knows how much I enjoyed our time and loved every minute of it once the initial shock and pain subsided. My tiny nursing baby will always exist in my memories.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Friday, October 10, 2008
We've been Bushed
He ticks me off and he feels NO effects of this sh*tty predicament Americans are in.
Bite me Bush!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Work it Mamis
When the instructor kept yelling, "Work it Mamis," I thought it quite fitting. I need to be there so badly, but I looked around and realized I was one of the smallest people there and no one would ever guess that I have a 3-month-old at home. Nevertheless, I am a "Mami" (Spanish for Mommy) and I was in great company with the others.
We are potty training at our house and it's not going so smooth. I am very confused about how to excite Bella enough to do it all the time. She cries sometimes and wants to wear her diaper because she has accidents.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Friday, September 19, 2008
The Chill

Thursday, September 18, 2008
Outrageous birthday wishes
A tune up for my car
Decor for our new bedroom and bathroom
Maid service
A closet organizer
Shopping with a stylist
Lottery tickets
A tropic vacation for all four of us
A project finisher
A gardner
All this would give me more time with my family, eliminate some of my angst about not getting around to things and possibly make me rich.
Ridiculous it is but I bet a lot of people secretly wish for these too.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Out with the new and in with the old.
I'm turning 30 on Sunday. This strikes me as a change and that pushes me to want to make sure all stays the same. Yes, we have a new baby but we've had a new baby before so it's still kinda the same old deal. I used to work out and fit into cute clothes. Well, by golly, I will do that again. Basically, I want to push myself back a few years just to feel comfortable about turning another year older.
This very confusing post does have meaning. I want my old life back.
The past couple of months have been selfless, hard work. I want myself back. I want to be pleased with me on a day-to-day basis.
I used to set goals and achieve them and last week I set another goal.
I'm writing again somewhere other than here. I am writing a magazine article. I don't know what magazine or when, but I hope sometime soon it can be published.
I contacted my former Journalism teacher and she's on board to help.
I am so excited I could just giggle.
And, that makes for a happy 30th birthday week!
Monday, September 8, 2008
What's new:
Her teacher is busy when we pick up and drop off, making sure the right kids go to the right parents and all. The teacher said that Bella was laughing with another kid the first day and today she came home with a friendship bracelet from Cecil. She has her own life there and she won't tell us very much about it.
In other news, we all have colds. Bella's had it the longest and I think she on the down hill from here. Now I have it and I want so badly to just sleep it off. It's the traditional head cold. My head feels like it weighs a million pounds and will explode with mucus any minute.
Poor little Tori even has the swollen eyes, cough and congestion. It's pitiful to see a sick baby, even if it is only a cold.
Friday, September 5, 2008
In over my head
It's my last day of my first week back at work. I am going into the weekend EXCITED to sit in my pj's nursing the baby and cleaning my house.
I long for the simplicity.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
First day back
But now it's time to plan for Bella's first day of school tomorrow. I'm getting her book bag ready tonight. It doesn't have books but they do require the kids to bring a bag full of stuff for emergencies and lunch. Her classroom is so cute and the teacher seemed really good at her job. I am excited for Bella. She is ready. She loves learning and I am no teacher, though I have thought about becoming one for a while now. We do so much with her but she is too smart for us to be the only people forming her knowledge. Oh, my little baby is growing up TOO FAST!!!
We are so lucky.
Tori couldn't be a better baby so far. She sleeps great at night with occasional wakings. She falls asleep easily and hasn't cried for more than 10 minutes ever. She too is getting huge and studies us, her hands and her surroundings drinking in every experience with beautiful curiosity. Whew. My cup runneth over... again.
Here's to the upcoming fall and and my new schedule with my TWO kids. It still sounds strange to me, but wonderful.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
The Picture
August 26, 2008 the day Ashley holds her second son. My childhood friend and confidant has another child not two months after I had Tori. Her first child is only 6 months younger than Bella. These kids will know each other very well and play for years to come.
To me, Ashley is the friend who never betrayed me or my trust. The girl I fought over boys with and shared the most embarrassing moments with. The girl that grew into a woman with me and knows me so well because she was there when I was learning who I was. These are our good ole days. The weddings are over, the pregnancies successful and, now, the children are born. Those childhood dreams are now life and they come with deep responsibility and we are not afraid because we have each other. This provides me with great comfort. I now have company in the land of those with two small children. I have someone to understand my frets before I even utter them.
Joshua Wayne is beautiful and healthy. He stands as the last child that any of my friends may ever have. Some friends are struggling with their husbands or reproductive luck and that picture may be the end of an era. The pregnant era. One that will be missed for all it's events both bad and good. The phenomena of not remembering the bad happens with that as well as childbirth. These thoughts bring tears to my eyes. I am afraid that we are changed. Changed by our kids. We no longer live for us. They are the world and we get up in the morning for them. We work until our fingers bleed for them and we will not have ourselves back for the next 18 years. Though tears fall, they fall on a smile and with great pride.
We did this.
And, girlfriend, we did it well.
Congratulations to Ashley and Artie. Enjoy your gorgeous new baby.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Men should have to pump breast milk from their breasts too.
Little babies are so beautiful that there can never be enough pictures taken of them.
Do other mothers start speaking gibberish instead of actual words because too much is going through their mind?
Well, you get the idea.
Monday, August 18, 2008
short and sweet
Friday, August 1, 2008
She is getting so big and more beautiful every day. It really is amazing to experience having a baby. The pregnancy and delivery and now the home time is just sweet and has been pretty perfect, there have been only minor happenings to complain about.
I do plan on returning to work. I don't have a date in my mind but I know it will be soon and the time will fly no matter how long I'm allowed to stay home with the little darlings. I just wish that I could have more time every day. More for myself, more for Bella, less for the breast pump and more to fit work in there too. I hate thinking of only seeing them a couple hours a day every day again. It was hard letting Bella go when I went back to work after her birth. It was extremely emotional. Now that there are two to think about while I work I just don't know how I will concentrate and let go.
Monday, July 28, 2008
In Love

Thursday, July 24, 2008
The pressure comes from all around. Bella pressures me to play and horse around and some of that is fun for me too, but to her there's never enough.
Tori pressures me. She needs more milk now. I am pumping only and I have to stimulate that milk with more pumping. It takes a lot of patience to sit and pump ten times a day.
Marriage produces pressure to stand up and be the partner that you once were but certainly are not at this moment.
Family and friends pressure me to call and keep them abreast of every little thing. I can't remember what day it is sometimes and people are getting their feelings hurt because I haven't called, invited or sent pictures. I haven't even begun to design a birth announcement... GASP!
I just can't move fast enough for some people. It's all because I'm not ready.
I need more time. I'm almost 30. Not 20. I can't be held up to old standards. I just can't.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
What it is
sun rises
bottle warming
sleepy mommy feeding very sleepy baby
fight with baby to wake her up...after all she did just wake me up
one hour passes
clean pumping accessories
pump milk for next bottle
try to get once very sleepy baby back to sleep
fail at that
stay up
get Bella out of bed for breakfast
wish no one needed to eat and everyone would just sleep til noon
eat breakfast
put baby down to sleep
take Bella to Mom's
come home and nap
feed baby
clean pumping accessories
pump milk
wonder why I can't successfully nurse a baby at my breast
wish formula didn't make babies scream in agony
listen to the pump (it talks, you know)
wonder why babies have their days and nights mixed up
wonder how possible it is for me to go on like this
take a nap
wake up feeling guilty for sleeping on a beautiful day
pump milk
try to feed very sleepy baby
rock very sleepy baby and smell top of her head...mmmmm
rub her cheeks and arms to try and commit to memory the tender moment
greet Bella as she comes home
wonder when Bella will forgive me for dedicating a lot of attention to her sister
Bella screams, "I can't like a Mommy."
no forgiveness today
go blog about it all
play outside on swing set
realize the nursing pads never made it back into tank top
cook dinner
give bath
take shower
read stories
sing songs
pretend that I'm not having emotional issues (I am a bad faker)
have emotional issues
clean something furiously
brush teeth
what is floss again?
climb in to bed to watch boob tube
pump milk
wake sleepy baby to feed her
lay her down to sleep more
sleepy baby not so sleepy anymore
baby naps
12am mommy lays down
2am baby wakes up
1 hour feeding and pumping time
3am-ish mommy lays down
5am baby wakes up
feed baby
baby does not want to go back to sleep
7am baby may go back to sleep
mommy lays down
9am Bella wakes up and it all begins again.
I'm tired.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
New Arrival
Welcome to the world baby girl!
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Thank you sir may I have another...
I'm due to deliver this baby TODAY! However, I don't believe that's going to happen. I had another bout of false labor, but no signs since then. The TMI of it all is there hasn't even been any loss of the "plug". As far I can tell all is in tact and could stay for another month. If it was 1970 the doctor would probably leave me to wait that long. Luckily, my doctor will induce me Sunday evening, making the baby due 7-7-08, which sits really well with Tommy. He's a little obsessed with numbers.
That's all I have to report. I'm just trying to relax, get everything in order and spend all kinds of quality time with Bella. We keep telling her about the new addition coming to the fam but she's not quite getting it yet. The baby will be here soon enough, so I am entertaining myself with very quiet moments, television, errands and naps.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Maternity leave day #1
Today Bella said, "Mommy's and elephant." She's has no idea how true that feels.
I want to see this baby and hold her and coddle her, but she seems to be perfectly comfortable where she is.
I did sleep in a little this morning thanks to Tommy. Bella is here with me today but there will be times when she goes to my Mom's so I can relax a little before the big day.
I feel useless for some reason. This feeling comes every time I have to bend over and can barely stand back up without pain or grunting, and when I get angry at Bella for not standing perfectly still right in front of me while I put on her shoes. I just get frustrated with myself. I used to think of myself as a kind of supermom. The working, cooking, cleaning and childcare extraordinaire. Now I know all that credit I gave myself was bogus. Now, it's time to try doing all that with a smile and with TWO kids.
Pray for me.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Summer Color
We wanted the exact same to happen with Tori's room. We knew the same plan wouldn't fly with the poem thing, but we hoped something would come through and WOW us.

Thursday, June 19, 2008
Sometimes you just have to play hookey!

Listening to Bella try to say Triceratops is hilarious.
The little kids' Discovery Place was a hit too.
It was a whim and it was fun. Yesterday, Charleen and I sat in our office and talked about taking Bella to Discovery Place. It took us all of 30 seconds to decide to take the day off, pick up Bella and my Mom and catch the light rail. We ate lunch on the Fox and Hound patio, then we meandered through Discovery Place at Bella's pace. We let her look at the things she wanted to see and play as long as she wanted. We even let her skip her nap, although we paid for that later.
It was another good time had by all.
Today Tommy and my Dad will set up a play set for Bella in our backyard. We are so excited that she is doing fun things and receiving fun toys.
I'm secretly nervous that Bella will react badly to the shift when the baby comes. We are very aware of the roller coaster ride we are about to experience and I don't want her to change. She is such a good girl. She responds to discipline, listens closely most of the time and I am so grateful for this. I am just slightly concerned that we won't be able to keep up with her one-on-one entertainment the way we currently do.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Happy Father's Day to my favorite men!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008
False Alram
I woke up to a contraction that wasn't painful but it was definitely different. As I laid there with my heart pounding I felt them come one after the other, each one a little more painful than the last. Then, I got out of bed.
I realized at 5 am that my bags aren't packed there were dishes in the sink and the baby clothes weren't put in the proper spot... oh, and the laundry needed to be done. So, I got to work on the laundry and the dishes and I took a shower, just in case.
The event ended around 8 am and I went back to sleep.
That sucks.
I know now that I need to get prepared for the actual labor and I will frantically tackle that task.
I still don't feel right... after all that hub- ub this morning. I feel achy, sore and ready. I'm ready for this baby to show the real signs of making her unique entrance so I can meet her face to face.
I do think this could happen again before the actual birthday and that is so annoying.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
5 Good Things

Friday, June 6, 2008
Fun in the Sun

She learned how to swim with her floaties.
We all ate really great food. (This was Bella's first ice cream cone of her own.)
We went out on Grammy and Pop's boat last weekend.
And ate some delicious food there too.
We needed these chances right before the new arrival to relax and enjoy each other. I am getting bigger every day and so is the baby. I can't wait to meet her and see how she will compare to (what I remember about) Bella's arrival. Now that we are back and things are back to "normal" we will commence finishing the baby's room. Working as much as possible for as long as possible and I will spend as much time standing up so gravity has a fighting chance to bring the baby out on time. Late babies aren't allowed.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Let the countdown begin!
I don't necessarily want to rush through these last weeks. It's just that they are very hard to deal with when you are a fidgety, antsy person who is used to doing everything she pleases.
I think about this baby. I wonder what she is going to look like. How much hair she will have at birth and if she will be perfect as Bella was?
I so look forward to those tender moments shared while nursing a baby. I want to ward away the discomforts that plagued me last time, like the mastitis, the episiotomy and the muscle weakness.
I have been more relaxed this week. Tommy has given me chances to rest in between nesting and caring for Bella that have settled my tension and eased my arm pain. Praise Tommy! I needed that and the truth is we will both need to continue that pampering of each other when possible after the baby.
We are taking a trip to Florida to visit family and take a break. The break is for us both before the storm.
I pray all turns out the way we plan and that the break will be as enjoyable as we both deserve.
I'll also be wearing my first maternity bathing suit and that's laughable to me, but I'm looking forward to it.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Memorial Day fun

Nonetheless, it was pure family fun and Bella was adorable the whole time. I'm so proud of her.
The first thing we did once we got there was ride the big train around the mountain and watch the cowboys and Indians pretend to fight. The gunfire made Bella very nervous and at one point she looked at me, eyes full of tears and whimpered "Let's... go... home," it was pitiful. But, the rest of the trip she relished every opportunity to play and have fun with her daddy and her friends that came along.
Paci update:
Bella still asks for her paci stub but it is of no use to her. She's stopped crying at night when we put her to bed and she seems very secure about the whole thing. The stub will have to go.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Bye Bye Paci!!

Friday, May 16, 2008
34 weeks gone...
As far as my pregnant body goes; I gained less weight than I did last pregnancy so far, I can safely say this time I was much more sick and sore yet more apt to want to enjoy it rather than wish it away.
This pregnancy is flying by, having a 2-year-old during a pregnancy takes my mind off the daily waiting to see progress and helps me remember to stop every now and then and feel, bond and recognize what I'm doing.
Tomorrow we're having a yard sale to rid the corners of our house of clutter. This will lead to the baby's room being cleared and ready for the crib and other furnishings that are on the way.
It's all very surreal at this point. I don't know what to expect so I expect the worst, naturally. I get nervous but then I really try to enjoy the way things are right now and say to myself, 6 weeks = 42 days and I have to take them one at a time.
Dang, 42 days! That's not long at ALL.
ATHENS, Greece (AP) -- A nine-year-old girl who went to hospital suffering from stomach pains was found to be carrying her embryonic twin, doctors in central Greece said Thursday.
Doctors at Larissa General Hospital examined the girl and surgically removed a growth they later discovered was an embryo about six centimeters (more than two inches) long.
"They could see on the right side that her belly was swollen, but they couldn't suspect that this tumor would hide an embryo," hospital director Iakovos Brouskelis said.
The girl has made a full recovery, he said.
Andreas Markou, head of the hospital's pediatric department, said the embryo was a formed fetus with a head, hair and eyes, but no brain or umbilical cord.
Markou said cases where one of a set of twins absorbs the other in the womb occur in one of 500,000 live births.
The girl's family did not want to be identified, hospital officials said.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Reporting to my job every morning is painful. My arm pain that was diagnosed as TMS is back. I don't know why, but it came back right when my mother said she was going to Hawaii.
I certainly didn't improvise being nice about that but somehow my body reacted. This may not be TMS.
This may be hormonal. My tendons are drunk with relaxin and have the right to be sensitive at this point. But, why when I sleep?
My morning:
Wake in pain throughout the wee hours before dawn.
Eventually look at clock if arm will support body without me crying in pain.
Tear off Velcro on carpel tunnel splints that I have to wear because my damn fingers hurt.
Place feet on the floor and rise to standing position cursing the Lord for giving me this pain AGAIN to handle without medication.
Find toilet.
Think to self when will this go away? I can't go through this with a new baby. Why did it chose me?
Get showered and dressed without hurting right arm more. Left arm seems to move with pain too.
Brush teeth. Think to self am I going to have to brush with my left hand...that's not possible.
Fix hair.
Stretch...and think, let's go little arm I don't have the patience for this.
It's either work through the pain or lay back down and cry about it.
The day continues and I continue to improvise... directing myself: "be the happy go lucky worker, mother and woman who feels no pain."
Throughout the day the arm pain will come and go as though it's warmed up and the muscles or tendons are feeling better.
But, I know that in the morning it will be there again and soon I am going to crack and really get fed up. I feel myself very close to that now.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Thursday, May 8, 2008
2 posts in one day...Wow!

And, a rare picture, our newly added bedroom. I say rare because how often do people take pics of where they sleep and post them on a blog? I'd say, not very many... on a G rated blog. The wall on the top right are where a rocking recliner and pack and play will soon reside. The future resting spot of Victoria.

A precious moment trying to foof off the dandelion seeds.
Come on Thomasina, it's back to the rest home. Ha!
I admit the 3 pics above are from Easter. It's never too late, right?
Happy Early Mother's Day

Julie Racano, this is your life. You are 33 weeks pregnant and you have a 2-year-old. What the heck are you going to do now?
Love it!
I feel like a special member of a society on Mother's day. I think of all the handmade gifts and cards I used to make my mom and I so look forward to getting those from my girls. I don't always recognize that the day is also for me, a mother. I feel stressed because it's a week packed full of hubub.
Mother's Day gets drowned out with driving and buying and rushing and mailing. Really, all it is is an attempt at making people stop and realize that thier mother deserves a moment of respect and attention for the triumph of motherhood.
I have a lot of mothers to attend to. Not all are my mother, of course. But, they are all very special.
Grandmother Chris
Grandma Racano
Tommy's mom
Happy Early Mother's day to all of you!
Friday, May 2, 2008
Here are some positives that I came up with:
**The addition and it's clean-up are ALMOST done. Slowly, but surely , we are getting things back together and the addition is breathtaking.
**The sunny weather is allowing our lawn and "garden" to grow in and looks pretty normal.
**Work is not too terribly stressful this week. I'm able to let myself work at a pace that normally wouldn't be acceptable.
**My time spent in the office chair is more enjoyable than time spent up and walking, this is normally reverse. I am really getting huge and the bones in my feet sometimes feel as though they might puncture the skin on the bottom of my foot when I walk too much.
**Bella is talking more and more. She loves on me and tells me she likes me and that I am her friend. Awww, what a girl!
**My Mom being gone made me realize that she and Bella may have needed a break from each other. My Mom is awesome with her. She doesn't drive and no one usually comes over so they are pretty much in the same place all day, every day, until we pick her up.
**The baby in my belly is strong and perfect in size. She tries to put her foot through the side of my uterus sometimes and even though it hurts mildly, I enjoy it. I just can't wait to bond with her too.
**My husband has been put through some of my hormonal rages lately and he survived. That's a positive, right? My rages are short usually or long bouts of crying. It's pretty unnerving even to me, but it is what it is.
**Tommy makes me feel safe and good. I still would have been a lost soul with even more anger issues if not for him.
There are positives everywhere and I need to soak them in. This is the EASY part of being a Mom, that I know.
With luck and positive thoughts, things will be more fun and enjoyable.
I just found my new motto... if I can remember it.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Colder than a February Night
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
poor hotmail
Miss Thang wants to run to Hawaii for 10 days and stay with god-knows-who in god-knows-where, on the dime of another.
Good thinkin', Mom.
Way to make those decisions. Risky, idealized decisions.
She's unreal.
Friday, April 18, 2008
Me: What?
Her: We would have blackouts.
Me: Energy blackouts?
Her: NO dear, blackouts to keep them from bombing us. If they saw the lights from the town they knew where to drop the bomb. We had blackout curtains. You couldn't see any light through them... except maybe a sliver on the edges. There were police who walked around checking to make sure no light came through the slivers. If it did, you got fined.
Me: Whoa.
Her: It was a crazy time right after the depression. People still rationed food. Right before I was born people had to grow their own food.
Me: (thinking: I bet a lot of people starved.)
Her: People gathered scraps like metal.
Me: For money.
Her: NO to melt and re-use for themselves. It was so scarce.
Me: I need to ask more questions. This is fascinating.
We are so disconnected from what it's like to be hungry, scared and cold. Our grandparents are precious gems and while some of mine are still alive, I need to know what they know and hear it in their words to commit to memory.
What a treasure.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
The third trimester

Tuesday, April 8, 2008
So caught up!
God bless general contractors all over the world.
The addition to our house is proving to be hairy right here at the end. I handle minimal stress as it is but the stress that comes with having our home upside down is very unique.
I need to thank Tommy for loving me even though I freak out.
Thanks babe! I love you.
Friday, April 4, 2008
Where's the hexagon?
She's sick now too. The poor dear.
We've got furniture.
For the first time Tommy and I have a real live bedroom set and master suite. The entire project is not quite finished but the room is really close. Wow! We love it. (Pics to come if I can remember the damn cord to plug into the computer, Gah!)
Also, the baby is getting bigger every day. I knew getting pregnant was going to be hard but this time it's harder. I'm still trying to enjoy it. I am really nervous about Bella's reaction to having a sister. It's a good thing we have 2+ months left. At least now I have the king bed!!!!
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Nope. Today the cough and chest congestion took over, leaving the annoying-ness of the stuffy nose and headache in second place.
Another cold with cough.
This makes, since I've been pregnant, the seventh time I've been sick.
2 stomach viruses, 1 sinus infection, and, at least, 4 colds.
NOT TO MENTION the sciatica, carpel tunnel, constipation, indigestion, ETC...
But, all in all I'm functional. I'm plugging along wondering what it was that used to keep me SO healthy for years at a time.
What I want is unattainable. I need to come to work in the morning, log on to the (imaginary) website, http://www.nomoresickness.com/, and get a daily dose of what to do to keep myself healthy, because I'm not doing very well on my own.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
New. born.
There is also projectile poop, flailing reflex when laid on their back, the instant, full volume, heart pumping, hunger and gas screams.
I honestly can't think of a lot of things that worry me about the baby. What worries me... is me.
Last time, my boobs were the size of footballs, my back was that of a 100-year-old and my brain shut down during normal conversations and only understood talk about the baby. Every inch of me was altered. I left the life I thought I knew and stepped... NO, leaped... into the twilight zone. The zone where only eating and sleeping mattered. No fashion existed, no friendships were nourished, a clean house was a memory and no one could get in between me and my baby... unless i needed to take a shower/nap in the bath tub.
I became very scared right before I gave birth to Bella. When I say right before, I mean the instant the nurse told me I was going to be pushing soon. I didn't understand the moment, I was shaking from all the meds and I couldn't wrap my brain around me being a mother. Now, I would never trade it for ANYTHING. But that fear was strong.
This is not fear...yet. It's apprehension about the change. The girl I know as my only daughter will be affected. I don't want her life to change for the worse. We have so much to pay attention to already. She will potty train soon, I think. We need to wean her from the paci (oh, that is a fear). She is so curious and sponge-like to information and we need to be able to nourish her brain.
Will we be able to keep up our high standards? Are we going to be strong enough to handle the demand for as long as they are so demanding? I am trying to prepare. I need to read more about this subject but, I am still in the stage of wallowing in it.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Happy Spring!
I have so many cute pics to share and I left the camera at home. I am definitely suffering from pregnancy amnesia BAD! I hope to have a picture post ASAP to display my adorable Spring pics.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
My pregnant body #7
I am feeling different lately.
Bad different: leg cramps, abdominal discomfort, itching (stretching), bloating, pee WAY too often, nesting (cleaning until I cause myself pain), nerves about having 2 kids and being in pain and unrested and homely, having people ask me how I'm feeling constantly, moodiness and I've been spilling a lot of food on my shirt.
Good different: my husband taking care of me and being so kind, excited about the other child we get to nurture and love, being round and maternal, having been so very sober for so long, elated about soon seeing this little creature who reaches for my hand when I press my belly and kissing those tiny toes and fingers and soft head, having people ask me how I'm feeling constantly.
Just thought I would post this update. I should be printing these for a scrapbook since this is the LAST time I will be 7 (6) months pregnant. Sigh.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
On my mind again
She's on the move again. The fiance didn't work out.
What's marked in bold is what gets to me!
"Borderline personality disorder affects how people feel about themselves, how they relate to others and how they behave.
People with BPD often have an unstable sense of who they are. That is, their self-image or sense of self often rapidly changes. They typically view themselves as evil or bad, and sometimes they may feel as if they don't exist at all. This unstable self-image can lead to frequent changes in jobs, friendships, goals, values and gender identity.
Relationships are usually in turmoil. People with BPD often experience a love-hate relationship with others. They may idealize someone one moment and then abruptly and dramatically shift to fury and hate over perceived slights or even misunderstandings. This is because people with the disorder have difficulty accepting gray areas — things are either black or white. For instance, in the eyes of a person with BPD, someone is either good or evil. And that same person may be good one day and evil the next.
In addition, people with BPD often engage in impulsive and risky behavior. This behavior often winds up hurting them, whether emotionally, financially or physically. For instance, they may drive recklessly, engage in unsafe sex, take illicit drugs or go on spending or gambling sprees. People with BPD also often engage in suicidal behavior or deliberately injure themselves for emotional relief.
Other signs and symptoms of borderline personality disorder may include:
Strong emotions that wax and wane frequently
Intense but short episodes of anxiety or depression
Inappropriate anger, sometimes escalating into physical confrontations
Difficulty controlling emotions or impulses
Fear of being alone"
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Pregzilla in the midst
Thursday, March 6, 2008
The Wal-Mart Waddle
Because of her I now obsessively try not to look like the lazy, back-holding, feet-dragging, ducky mom who also happens to shop at Wal-Mart.
It is almost impossible.
My back has that curve. I either waddle or slump and they are both very odd and uncomfortable so I'm attempting to do something about this.
As often as I can, I lift weights making my arms and legs stronger and I even do some questionable moves to strengthen my back. Questionable because I'm not sure that I can keep this up and I'm not sure I'm not injuring my back by doing what would be safe and normal for a non-preggy.
I also purchased some preggy workout videos. They were around one dollar before shipping so they are pretty old. One is with Denise Austin and her peppiness is...well...nauseatingly uplifting. Plus Bella comes in while I'm working out and wants to dance with me to the music while holding my hand. Who can say no to that?
Last time I was pregnant I took a prenatal Pilate's class and I liked it until one of the other mothers was doing a very simple crunch move while holding on to her legs, the poor girl tooted so loudly that I was hysterical with laughter for hours and very aware that could happen to me. I refuse to go to a class where this could happen because my embarrassment factor is ridiculous. Overly paranoid? Probably.
Last time I gained 40 lbs. Also ridiculous. I cannot, will not, should not do that again.
I guess Denise and I will be getting to annoy each other better.
Friday, February 29, 2008
My pregnant body #6
It's hard to convince myself of this every day. The mirror reflects a me that was a far memory. "I can't believe I'm pregnant again." I told Leslie on the phone the other day. She asked me if the baby was kicking.
It's been moving, as far as I could feel, for over a month and a half now. She laughed at herself because "of course you've felt her kick, you're like 6 months pregnant." But she didn't know. I haven't told her about it.
It is an extremely personal thing. Sitting there watching TV with Tommy, I feel the baby knocking at my uterine wall. "Feel this." I tell him. He may or may not catch a kick. I feel tons of movement when I am standing an even more when I lay down. She's there and she's going to get huge and then (DUN DUN DUNNN) she's going to come out. How weird is that?
I'm freaking pregnant again.
Anyway, I have a new found joy/craving for certain things. These are a few of my favorite things... while pregnant:
sweet tea
extra soft sheets... 800 thread count...mmmmmmmm
comfy shoes
comfy socks
ranch dressing... not Kraft either yuck! homeade, fresh stuff
dips...guacamole, salsa, spinach, queso
citrus fruits in general
cheese steak sandwiches... again good ones, no posers
delicious salads... Caesar, Brixx grilled chicken
baby furniture and bedding
my friends---(There is nothing like the love and attention of a friend. Your husband, your parents, your children cannot replace those trusted souls that carried you when you were feeling low and picked you up to make you laugh through tears. I love being with my few favorite friends when there's time to talk and reminisce and breath easy with no chores and no time constraint. I need it now more than ever.)
hot showers... better yet long hot soaks in the tub
gentle perfumes
a flattering shirt (and pant but that rarely happens)
a back rub!!!!!
great sing-out-loud music
hilarious jokes/ moments/ comments- belly laughs
energy... you know, the ability to do work...yeah, that thing, i miss that.
good moods
If I could just have these all in one day. I would be happy for a week... maybe.